
How to pack for a weekend trip

As a woman I have a tendency to overpack. When it comes to everything. Down to my everyday essentials. 

My daughters diaper bag is stuffed to the max and my purse is always over flowing.  

So when it comes to vacations and getaways I never fail to disappoint or overpay for additional luggage. 

However the last trip I went on I didn't use/wear half the stuff I packed. 

As I leave for Nashville in just 24 hours, and will only be in town for 30 hours I knew overpacking wasn't an option. 

Here are my essentials that I'm taking on a 2 day trip to for a hair show I'm attending with my girlfriends. 

One word. ROMPERS.  

Less items to pack. Less matching games to play. Easy. Just throw it on & go!! I plan on taking three separate rompers that can be paired with ONE pair of boots. 

This first outfit will be spent doing some sight seeing for breakfast and then in and out of classes all day at the hairshow. 

{Romper: Target, Jacket: Target, Necklace: Altared State, Boots: DSW}

I plan on just taking my jacket off from the first outfit and wear that little black romper out to dinner, taking my daytime to evening wear easily. 

But we're more than likely going to hit up all the Honky Tonks, into the wee morning hours and I'm always one for an outfit change! 

So here's to my Girls Night Out attire. 

{Romper: Target, Necklace: Walmart, Boots: DSW}

Last day you will find me in you guessed it, A ROMPER! 

We will be in an out of classes again at the hair show & then driving 6 hours home! To me there is no better go to than a romper. 

{Romper: Target, Shaw: Target, Necklace: Premier Designs Jewelry via Barb Cline, Boots:DSW}

If I don't use it daily, I'm not taking it. 

Since I'm only going for 2 days there is no need for shampoo and hair tools. Dry shampoo is my best friend & gets me by when I don't have time to wash and style. 

Of course I'm taking make-up, but not my whole collection. I'm literally just taking the necessities that I use every morning. 

Along with my make up remover, toothbrush & paste, D.O., self tanner (because you never know) & my Rodan Fields Eye Cream I can't live without. 

I also packed an oversized tee and pair of my new LuLaRoe leggings as pj's. 

Last minute things I will toss into my awesome Nfinity cheer book bag that my amazing cheerleaders got me at the end of our season this year, is my cell & iWatch Chargers and some snacks for the road trip. 

If you follow me, be prepared for it to look like Nashville threw up in your newsfeed. It's MY city. I seriously think I belong there. It makes my heart sing. From the music, to the lifestyle, to the food, shopping, the river & southern hospitality. Maybe one day. Girl can dream right?!

Nashville, I'm coming for you. 


Quick tips to save money in a pinch

If you really knew me, you would know how ironic me sitting here passing out financial advice is. 

I used to be the worst at saving money. 
I used to make late payments. 
I was irresponsible when it came to my financies. 
I had a serious spending problem. 

My husband, bless his heart was so gracious to accept me and all my flaws when we got married. Debts included. 

He really helped by putting me on a budget, planning, and helping me pay my bills accordingly. 

Now a few years later, after watching and learning I am a new business owner and am able to manage and handle my own finances again. 

However saving has always been a struggle of mine. Like many of you I'm sure, we get caught up in the wants more than our needs in life. 

Cost of living is increasing. 
Our necessities are increasing.
Thanks to society and social media our wants are ever increasing. 

It's important to prioritize. 
Here are some quick tips to save in a pinch: 

1. Order a small
I don't know about you but I have a coffee obsession. A green straw coffee obsession. Sure I could make it myself at home & it would be so much cheaper however it doesn't feel the same when I don't have that Starbucks cup in hand. So cut down on your size to cut back on the price. It's only a few dollars but if you are like me and get it multiple times a week, those little savings can add up quick. 

2. Pinterest Challenge 
I'm sure most of you have seen the 52 week money saving challenge that surfaces on Pinterest around the new year. My hubby and I took the challenge a year ago & it was the simplest way to save money. You don't even know the money is missing! At the end of the year you have a nice little $1300+ stash. http://pin.it/HfSzXrg

3. Say goodbye to cable 
When I was on maternity leave we tried to cut back as much as possible since we were currently living on one income.  We canceled our cable and got Netflix & Hulu instead. Those two combined are only like $20 a month, not the $100+ I know some cable company's can cost. You can watch pretty everything that's on live tv with Hulu & who doesn't love a Netflix binge session.  

4. 5 dollar bill game 
As a hairstylist I always have cash from my tips. I know most don't carry cash, and live in a plastic money state of mind. However this one is simple. Whenever you have a $5 bill in hand - SAVE IT! 
My husband and I have these buckets in our room that are labeled "date night" or "house fund". We're always donating to them and the 5 dollar bill game was an easy and quick way to increase their savings. We even had ones with our names on them that was meant for our own personal spending habits. If it wasn't in cash from the bucket, we couldn't spend it. (I suppose it's similar to the popular envelope system that's gone viral)

5. Credit cards 
I know most think credit cards are a bad thing. I myself only have 1. When I was younger I misused them and got myself into some serious debt with multiple ones. However now I respect them and use them to help me. They are a great tool to build your credit. Some even use them just for gas or groceries to earn their rewards and get cash back! Spending money to save money? Sounds like a win win to me. The educational website Credit Card Insider covers these topics and more!

6. Multiple savings accounts 
I think it's easier to save when you are saving with intention. Open a couple extra savings accounts and divide your earnings into them however works best for you. Say you are planning a vacation, saving for Christmas, someone's getting married or you need a new car?! Whatever the purpose may be when you have a separate account it can make it easier to not touch the money. It's always quiet rewarding to watch the amount grow. 

7. Host a party 
Now days you can have a "party" for just about anything. Jewelry, clothes, Tupperware, wraps, makeup. Whatever your extra spendings may be going towards consider hosting a party with a friend or distributor. I'm sure you know someone, or have seen friends on Facebook you can reach out too. Most company's reward the "host" with free merchandise depending on how well the party goes. For example I just hosted a LuLaRoe clothing party and my guest that attended and purchased things earned me 5 FREE ITEMS totaling in $200+. So I'm essentially getting a new summer wardrobe for free! 

There are always ways to cut back. There are always ways to save. Sometimes you just have to think out of the box, get savy and discipline yourself.